I have been out of the 9-5 for awhile. Running my own show I find I can get a bit lacked on my career girl must haves. When I worked in cubical world I was teased all the time about the number of shoes under my desk and the sheer amount of jewelry in my desk however there was a very simple reason for this. As a Sales person my day was never my own I never knew from day to day how my day would pan out no matter how I planned it. So being prepared made it easy to adjust to whatever curve ball was through my way. It could be as simple and having client come in without and appointment to an unexpected meeting with my boss. No matter what looking like I was prepared and feeling confident always made a great impression. So I am going to share a few of my secrets.
Shoes – Always keep black Pumps and Flats under your desk. If I had a client walk in even on a casual Friday a simple change of shoes could make all the difference in your casual looking dressed up.
Blazer – Keeping a nice simple blazer at your desk makes it easy to throw on if you have to leave the office to make an unexpected call on a client.
Cardigan – Having a cardigan around is a great way to adjust an outfit that may not be working or cover an after lunch spill.
Jewelry – Keep a simple pair earring and a easy to add necklace in your drawer you never know when you may need to dress up and out fit or when you run out of the house and forget to add you jewelry.
Lipstick – This is the ultimate must have in your desk no matter what a simple swipe can make a huge difference.
So those are the things I feel you need to be prepared for any work day situation.