Anyone who knows me know I am a girl who LOVES glasses. I have been wearing them since the 4th grade and now they are just apart of my daily life. One of the biggest services I do every year is help people find eye wear.
It can be a completely overwhelming process so I wanted to show you how I like to break it down step by step:
Choose a optometrist that has a large variety of eye wear available. You want many styles and price points
Really think how you will be wearing the your glasses. Are they for distance or just for reading. Will they need to be taken on and off.
Think of eye wear as apart of your wardrobe. Do they need to be conservative for the office or elegant for evenings out. Do they need to be able to blend in to your wardrobe
Take a photo of every pair. This will give you an idea of what you really like.
Narrow the selection to 2 or 3 pair and then work the numbers.
Choose what you love, what looks great and what fits your budget